BE-KIND Caramel Almond & Sea Salt 12 Product category Sweets Sub category granola bar Item number 89400 SRP € 2,09 Flavour: caramel almond & sea saltdark chocolate nuts & sea salthoney roasted nuts & sea saltpeanut butter dark chocolateprotein crunchy peanut butter Product description Heavenly taste experience: Salted caramel with nutrient-rich almonds and a pinch of sea salt Similar products Balisto yogurt berry mix 20 89201 € 13,80 Flavour: graingranolayoghurt berries Snickers 24 89235 € 16,56 Flavour: creamypeanuts, caramel Taste of Nature Granola Bar Brazil-Nut 16 89253 € 24,32 Flavour: blueberry brazil nutpeanut